

The second I felt the ground beneath my feet i felt unsafe, as if my mission were to fail the very moment it started, yet i opened my eyes to what seemed to be the old world, what had been. I was now in a foreign land, unknown to most of the earth’s population, the ones who doesn't live here of course, in the year which supposedly was 1984, we might never know if it actually was the correct year due to the circumstances surrounding the country known as Oceania, the country ruled by the Party, which nearly held the whole world in an iron grip. At least that’s the information known in Eurasia so far. However, I knew for certain it was Saturday, and even though the sky was clogged with the dirt from the city nearby, probably also because of the gunpowder and excessive weapons used in the area, I could tell it was evening in this region.

I decided a camp would be the best for now, so i will come back with further information tomorrow.

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