

I awoke to feel the ground shake. I saw an airplane with a brand unknown to me, perhaps from Eastasia, but even that'd be unlikely, such airplanes were greatly outdated even there. But then, why drop the firebombs in the village area close by, on their own grounds?! Were they trying to scare innocent bystanders? The answer might come to me in some time.

In order to find the closeby village to get to what now was called old London, I took a quick peek at the map I brought with me, it had been made by a refugee who passed the boarder and was immediately submitted to a hospital due to extreme malnourishment and severe traumatic experiences. It had greatly changed the image of the Oceania we believed in at the time, truth to be told, we knew the country was shut as tight as an oyster but not that the total humbug about people living in misery like him was very common.

Once I write this article, the truth will be revealed, whatever it might be.

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