
Children of the future

I had to write this later the same day, instead of directly when it happened. I never expected for something like this to occur this quick, I had been found out even with my nearly pedantic planning, and now I know exactly why. Thing is, perfect plans usually doesnt end up as perfect as you thought them to be. I looked foreign to the little girl who was now intently following be, together with another whom i saw a second later.

A couple of malnourished children, badly dressed with clear signs of belonging to some kind of group, perhaps a school of some kind. The first girl was shouting loudly in what seemed to be English, i recognized it as the infamous Newspeak. A language completely desolated from emotional expressions as well as proper descriptions. I could hear words such as “good”, in the meaning of something good and bad seemingly at the very same time. It would have taken me too long to try to translate it, so instead i made a run for it, and noted down that I probably had blown my cover completely.

As I hurried along the slopes and small roads, unexpectedly damaged by what seemed to be land mines and air raids, which would take me to a habited area with nice places to hide, I could hear the soft quick footsteps tapping behind me at all times. Children, as I remembered them, were always curious, but their appearance, bony and stiff, the lack of emotions in their faces and the way they did not at all behave as a child would behave, scared me. My first encounter with Oceania would forever change my picture of humankind.

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