
The Brotherhood

I was in London, and I was amazed. Banners with Big brothers face were spread across the streets, i heard the constant buzzing murmour and speeches in the background. The people dressed in blue were walking in proper lines along the streets while acting the way they should. The telescreen could be seen in every corner on the outside, pale and plain rundown buildings. I couldnt enter them however if I wanted to keep existing, I was told by my saviour, a member of the Brotherhood.

As naive as I was, I walked through the mass with a face that beamed with enthusiasm and interest, until I was stopped by this man (name and age unknown) who told me it would be best to follow. And thankfully, I did.

I had ended up in an underground base of the Brotherhood, an organisation led by an aged man named Goldstein, hated and despiced by the people outside, but beloved and important to everyone who disliked the Party. He had been a former member of the old Party together with Big Brother it seems, but after an altercation Goldstein had been sentenced to death, and successfully escaped. Most of the Party's propaganda nowadays were in order to manage the possibility of a revolution led by him.

The people at the base also told me of the political system, the rich Party members at the top who knew what was going on, and the poor people living in the middle of everything were tricked into believing they were incredibly happy. Of course they weren't, but most hadn't the strenght to speak up anymore. There were different sections named Minipax, Miniluv, Miniplenty and Minitrue. Every single one focused on tricking the people, and they were all working on it together. The ones who did not engage in such activities were focused on the constantly raging wars, which noone remembered why or how they started.

Before I stop writing here I must say this was the most interesting experience so far, but now I had to get out, quick, before they found me. To help me on my way they told me to find a man named Winston, and a girl named Julia.

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