
The gypsy ghetto

I was terrified and rather disgusted from the smell surrounding me. People who looked like gypsies (and most certainly were) were living in this total ghetto, probably to maintain public order the way people from the Party liked it. Alcohol, prostitutes with heavy make-up and run down buildings was all that existed as far as i could see. There really were quite a lot of rats on the road to London, and just before I was caught I also observed the lack of presence of animals other than rats. Perhaps the country really completely had collapsed, or at least society as we knew it today, rats and vermin tend to follow miserable living standards and misery making things even worse. 

Every now and then i observed the "Big brother" signs. The commercials on the so called telescreen, and invention made both for spreading propaganda at all times and for keeping people under surveillance 24/7. I bribed an old man who was drinking at one of the local pubs, and he also told me that this place was hell on earth, but at least they were alive. He didn't see the men working for the Party in the city as nearly enough human, yet pitied them. I feels very unsure about the conversation, but then interested again when he mentioned the Brotherhood. But he wouldnt tell me more.

I had to get to London for more information.

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