

And so I went out in London yet again to meet up with Winston and Julia at a safe place, a place were we could not be spied upon. The first thing I saw when i looked at Winston was a fragile, elderly man ( he was probably younger but the food and his way of living had made him slightly older), but I quickly changed my opinion. Just like the other members he had that special aura, he could think for himself even if he was a bit of a coward. Julia was a much younger lady who seemed to be rather free, or at least seeking freedom like noone else dared to. Both wore the uniforms of the party, they worked for them only as a cover though.

Winston told me of his job at the office where he alters the truth written in newspapers, the constant lies being handed out like truth and then instantly accepted. He told me about the buildings, on the outside rather shabby but not too bad, on the inside it was nearly impossible to live. Nothing in this city was working. Winston also mentioned he barely had any memories left of the world that had been, about his childhood, but that he somehow wished for things to get better as quick as possible. He was a most interesting and well informed man.

Julia was very good at organizing. planning, scheming, and knows every corner and telescreen in the city. She would help me out although it meant a huge risk of being killed in the process. All I had to do was wish for luck and continue.

As i now attend to leave Oceania, I feel very bad  for the people I leave behind. But the Brotherhood  will continue working hard, Julia will forever try to find people thinking like her and I believe Winston will play the perhaps most important role to everyone in the near future. Its just a hunch though. But Its almost as if hes the rising star who might just make a difference, who might change it all.

To all my readers, until we meet again, lets all hope for a better future.

// Journalist who finished his motive, now on his way home

The Brotherhood

I was in London, and I was amazed. Banners with Big brothers face were spread across the streets, i heard the constant buzzing murmour and speeches in the background. The people dressed in blue were walking in proper lines along the streets while acting the way they should. The telescreen could be seen in every corner on the outside, pale and plain rundown buildings. I couldnt enter them however if I wanted to keep existing, I was told by my saviour, a member of the Brotherhood.

As naive as I was, I walked through the mass with a face that beamed with enthusiasm and interest, until I was stopped by this man (name and age unknown) who told me it would be best to follow. And thankfully, I did.

I had ended up in an underground base of the Brotherhood, an organisation led by an aged man named Goldstein, hated and despiced by the people outside, but beloved and important to everyone who disliked the Party. He had been a former member of the old Party together with Big Brother it seems, but after an altercation Goldstein had been sentenced to death, and successfully escaped. Most of the Party's propaganda nowadays were in order to manage the possibility of a revolution led by him.

The people at the base also told me of the political system, the rich Party members at the top who knew what was going on, and the poor people living in the middle of everything were tricked into believing they were incredibly happy. Of course they weren't, but most hadn't the strenght to speak up anymore. There were different sections named Minipax, Miniluv, Miniplenty and Minitrue. Every single one focused on tricking the people, and they were all working on it together. The ones who did not engage in such activities were focused on the constantly raging wars, which noone remembered why or how they started.

Before I stop writing here I must say this was the most interesting experience so far, but now I had to get out, quick, before they found me. To help me on my way they told me to find a man named Winston, and a girl named Julia.

The gypsy ghetto

I was terrified and rather disgusted from the smell surrounding me. People who looked like gypsies (and most certainly were) were living in this total ghetto, probably to maintain public order the way people from the Party liked it. Alcohol, prostitutes with heavy make-up and run down buildings was all that existed as far as i could see. There really were quite a lot of rats on the road to London, and just before I was caught I also observed the lack of presence of animals other than rats. Perhaps the country really completely had collapsed, or at least society as we knew it today, rats and vermin tend to follow miserable living standards and misery making things even worse. 

Every now and then i observed the "Big brother" signs. The commercials on the so called telescreen, and invention made both for spreading propaganda at all times and for keeping people under surveillance 24/7. I bribed an old man who was drinking at one of the local pubs, and he also told me that this place was hell on earth, but at least they were alive. He didn't see the men working for the Party in the city as nearly enough human, yet pitied them. I feels very unsure about the conversation, but then interested again when he mentioned the Brotherhood. But he wouldnt tell me more.

I had to get to London for more information.

Amersham, adults and disguise

I reached Amersham, a small village, by nightfall, and the seemingly tireless children had not only followed me, but also seemed to have called for a welcoming party, people dressed in blue. I found the situation more than just a bit uncanny, how could someone from the outside be hunted down like an animal this way?

The adults themselves wore practically the same dirty and worn out clothes, showed nearly the same, stern expression on their faces, and had with not too much effort managed to trap me even though their bodies looked meager and thin. At that moment I fully understood why I looked foreign in my black boots and long coat, and my face looked a lot livelier as well I presume. They carelessly brought me along throughout the town underground towards who knows where, and there i managed my second escape, this time with success. I used the chloroform in my pocket to make them fall unconcious and also stole one of their uniforms. 

I have never felt more guilty for borrowing clothes before. Perhaps I'm becoming more and more of an Oceanian.

Children of the future

I had to write this later the same day, instead of directly when it happened. I never expected for something like this to occur this quick, I had been found out even with my nearly pedantic planning, and now I know exactly why. Thing is, perfect plans usually doesnt end up as perfect as you thought them to be. I looked foreign to the little girl who was now intently following be, together with another whom i saw a second later.

A couple of malnourished children, badly dressed with clear signs of belonging to some kind of group, perhaps a school of some kind. The first girl was shouting loudly in what seemed to be English, i recognized it as the infamous Newspeak. A language completely desolated from emotional expressions as well as proper descriptions. I could hear words such as “good”, in the meaning of something good and bad seemingly at the very same time. It would have taken me too long to try to translate it, so instead i made a run for it, and noted down that I probably had blown my cover completely.

As I hurried along the slopes and small roads, unexpectedly damaged by what seemed to be land mines and air raids, which would take me to a habited area with nice places to hide, I could hear the soft quick footsteps tapping behind me at all times. Children, as I remembered them, were always curious, but their appearance, bony and stiff, the lack of emotions in their faces and the way they did not at all behave as a child would behave, scared me. My first encounter with Oceania would forever change my picture of humankind.



I awoke to feel the ground shake. I saw an airplane with a brand unknown to me, perhaps from Eastasia, but even that'd be unlikely, such airplanes were greatly outdated even there. But then, why drop the firebombs in the village area close by, on their own grounds?! Were they trying to scare innocent bystanders? The answer might come to me in some time.

In order to find the closeby village to get to what now was called old London, I took a quick peek at the map I brought with me, it had been made by a refugee who passed the boarder and was immediately submitted to a hospital due to extreme malnourishment and severe traumatic experiences. It had greatly changed the image of the Oceania we believed in at the time, truth to be told, we knew the country was shut as tight as an oyster but not that the total humbug about people living in misery like him was very common.

Once I write this article, the truth will be revealed, whatever it might be.